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Free Haiti

Empower yourself with more resources

To make a greater impact in assisting and researching Haiti, utilize diverse resources to educate yourself on the country's condition and current issues. You are connecting with organizations, business owners, and volunteers to stay informed. If you are also interested in expanding your project, services and assistance are available.

what makes us different

Our Services

Research & Dev

Research and development provides individuals and organizations with valuable insights and innovative solutions for their projects and businesses. By identifying and addressing complex challenges faced by rural communities, extensive and more accurate efforts can foster better solutions.


Marketing services will help individuals promote their projects more effectively which increases engagement and visibility, ultimately attracting more support and impact. Also, when businesses thrive, they contribute to the local economy and this creates more opportunities.

Technology Support

Incorporating technology support for nonprofits operating in Haiti can not only streamline operations and improve communication, but also help combat crimes like kidnapping. By leveraging innovative technologies for monitoring, reporting, and data sharing, organizations can collaborate more effectively with law enforcement and other stakeholders. This enhances their ability to address such crimes, while increasing transparency, accountability, and restoring trust within the local communities they serve.

Fund Raising

Fundraising services can assist in securing the financial resources needed. Financial literacy benefits non-profits and individuals by enhancing their ability to manage funds efficiently, allocate resources effectively, and ensure sustainability.


Consulting services provide guidance and expertise for those who are both interested and already involved. This will enhance the effectiveness and impact of specific tailored solutions.


Safety measures ensure the well-being of nonprofit staff and volunteers working in Haiti by providing risk assessments, training and security measures tailored to the specific area. This protection enables organizations to focus on their mission while fostering trust and confidence among stakeholders and the communities they serve.