The 2023 Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) for Haiti describes life in the country as a daily struggle for survival, the result of continuous years of economic recession, a political impasse, and unprecedented levels of gang violence.
Every day, more and more people fall into extreme poverty; 31% of the population lives on less than US $2.15 a day, and approximately 4.8 million Haitians are food-insecure, which means that they struggle to meet their daily nutritional needs. This is not including the obstacles of crime and poverty that are always in the way.
The Humanitarian Needs Overview is an assessment conducted by OCHA (Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) which falls under a section of the United Nations which organizes aid during times of crisis. Although there are many skeptics that say that the figures that come in from organizations such as the United Nations are not accurate, it is never a bad idea to challenge reports and also do the research. This will give more reference to individuals and organizations, helping facilitate aid much better.
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