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Free Haiti

About Us

 We strive to bridge the gap between the Haitian diaspora, the international community, and, most importantly, the people of Haiti. Our mission is to modernize vital sectors in Haiti where there is a lack of advancement by partnering with organizations as well as local & foreign businesses. 

At Free Haiti, Inc., we concentrate on sustainable energy, social services, safety and self-sufficiency, all of which are essential for the growth and development of Haiti. We believe that by focusing on key sectors, we can create opportunities for all Haitians, not just a small percentage.

We pride ourselves on providing confidence to our present and future clients that our projects will make a  impact on the people of Haiti. Our ultimate goal is to open doors of opportunity for all Haitians, and we are committed to achieving this through our work at Free Haiti.

As a country, Haiti has a deep history of helping others who were persecuted. During the Haitian Revolution, not only that Haiti fought for its own freedom, but also provided assistance to countries in their path towards liberation. This serves as inspiration and direction to empower other communities and break the social prejudice on Haiti always needing assistance and not being self sustainable.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about our organization. We invite you to join us in our mission to create a better future for Haiti.

Donate To Our Cause

At Free Haiti, Inc., you have the opportunity to contribute to targeted projects by both region and sector, allowing you to support initiatives that align with your interests and values. By donating, you help the organization fulfill its mission of restoring trust in the nonprofit sector through transparency, accountability, and meaningful community impact. Your contributions enable tailored, targeted solutions that create a brighter future for Haiti and its people across various regions and sectors.